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  • Five yuan and nine yuan free shipping

    Jinjie Five Block Nine Free Shipping Special Promotion Area-Leading domestic5.9Yuanbaoyou flash sale website,Gathering the entire network5.9Yuan free shipping products,As low as1Yuan seckill,Every day10Click to open and grab。The products in the 5-9 free shipping promotion area are all selected by professional designers under the guidance of Taobao、Tmall、Tiktok Mall、Pinduoduo selects carefully,Professional buyers come by bargaining,Exclusive discounts,Don't miss it。

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  • Shangrao Xiaoyou Agricultural Products Sales Co., Ltd

    Mainly engaged in local specialties,Pomelo peel,Dried powder,Tea,Wuyuan Huangju and so on

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  • Zhengshan Xiaozhong

    Zhengshan Xiaozhong black tea is a unique black tea variety in Fujian Province, China,And is hailed as the pioneer of world black tea,From now on400Years of history。The Zhengshan small black tea produced in Tongmuguan, Mount Wuyi is a treasure of tea,It ushered in a new era of Chinese tea entering Europe in the 17th century,Becoming a representative of the best quality Chinese tea。In Europe, the Netherlands、Hundreds of years of drinking history in countries such as the UK,And the interpretation has formed a rich connotation、The rich and beautiful black tea culture

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  • Linyi specialties

    Linyi City,Formerly known as Langya、Ichow,Prefectural level cities under the jurisdiction of Shandong Province,ⅡLarge city,Located in the southeast of Shandong Province。varied topography,Existing open plains,There are also undulating hills,And there are also layers of mountainous areas,Crisscrossing rivers。Having unique geographical advantages,It also has a rich and colorful history, culture, and delicious specialties。that,What are the specialties of Linyi?Jinjie Net Linyi Specialty Store Editor has compiled the top ten specialties in Linyi,Including Babao fermented black beans,Linyi Pancake,Cangshan Garlic,Mengyin Singles Chicken,Mengshan Scorpion,Wang's ripe pear,Braised Rabbit Head in Brown Sauce,Junan donkey meat,Lanling Fine Wine,Grits,Yishui Fenggao,Linyi oil tea and other famous specialties of Linyi,These local specialties in Linyi are very worth bringing home。

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  • Urumqi specialties

    Urumqi is located at the northern foot of the middle section of the Tianshan Mountains、Southern margin of the Junggar Basin,It is the capital of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,Xinjiang politics、economic、cultural center。Surrounded by mountains on three sides of the urban area,Average altitude800rice,Belonging to the temperate semi-arid continental climate。。Having unique geographical advantages,It also has a rich and colorful history, culture, and delicious specialties。that,What are the specialties of Urumqi?Jinjie Urumqi Specialty Store Editor has compiled the top ten Urumqi specialties,Including Tianshan Snow Lotus,Xinjiang dried fruits,Xinjiang fruits,kbac,Spicy Chicken with Peppers,Butter milk tea powder,Beef and mutton meat,Dairy products,Wine,Wusu Beer,Jam,Famous specialties of Urumqi such as Nang,These local specialties of Urumqi are very worth bringing home。

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  • Taizhou specialties

    Taizhou Abbreviation“Tai”,Formerly known as Hailing,Also known as Fengcheng、Haiyang、Auspicious Taizhou,Prefectural level cities under the jurisdiction of Jiangsu Province,It is a city in the central area of the Yangtze River Delta ,Important industrial and trade port cities in the Yangtze River Delta region。Having unique geographical advantages,It also has a rich and colorful history, culture, and delicious specialties。that,What are the specialties of Taizhou?Jinjie Taizhou Specialty Store Editor has compiled the top ten specialties of Taizhou,Including Huangqiao Shaobing (Baked cake in griddle),Jingjiang Pork jerky,Crab roe soup dumplings,Xinghua hairy crab,Taixing Baiguo,Taixing fragrant lotus taro,Taizhou dried silk,Taixing Peanuts,Meilan Spring Wine,Zhongzhuang Drunken Crab,Qinhu Green Shrimp,Famous specialties of Taizhou such as Jiangyan crispy cakes,These local specialties in Taizhou are very worth bringing home。

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  • Luoyang specialties

    Luoyang Abbreviation“Luo”,Formerly known as the Divine Capital、Luoyi、Luojing,It is a prefecture level city under the jurisdiction of Henan Province、The first batch of national historical and cultural cities、National regional central cities、Sub central cities of the Central Plains urban agglomeration、“The Belt and Road Initiative”Important node cities,Third tier cities,Deputy Central City of Henan Province、Famous tourist cities 。Having unique geographical advantages,It also has a rich and colorful history, culture, and delicious specialties。that,What are the specialties of Luoyang?Jinjie Luoyang Specialty Store Editor has compiled the top ten specialties in Luoyang,Including Luoyang peonies,Mengjin pear,trio-colored glazed pottery of the tang dynasty,Du Kang Wine,Yellow River carp,Luoyang Agar,Plum blossom jade,Eight major items in Luoyang,Street Potsticker,Noodle paste,Luoyang Water Seat,Luoyang Palace Lantern and other famous specialties of Luoyang,Luoyang, these local specialties

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  • Zhenjiang specialty

    Zhenjiang,Formerly known as Jingkou、Runzhou、Nanxu,It is a prefecture level city in Jiangsu Province,Important ports in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River、Scenic tourist cities ,National Historical and Cultural City,It is an important birthplace of Wu culture。Having unique geographical advantages,It also has a rich and colorful history, culture, and delicious specialties。that,What are the specialties of Zhenjiang?Jinjie Zhenjiang Specialty Store has compiled the top ten specialties in Zhenjiang,Including Zhenjiang vinegar,Zhenjiang Cuisine Meat,Jinshan Cuiya,Danyang Huangjiu,Baihua Gongjiu,Sesame oil Sanzi,Dongxiang lamb,Yangzhong pufferfish,Yanling Duck Dumplings,Yangzhong Yangcao,Maoshan Evergreen,Zhenjiang River Crab and other famous specialties of Zhenjiang,These local specialties in Zhenjiang are very worth bringing home。

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  • Baoding specialties

    Baoding,Formerly known as Shanggu、Baozhou、Baofu,Because the city is like a boot,Also known as Boots City,Located in the central area of Hebei Province、The eastern foothills of Taihang Mountains,It is the central city of the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region,China(Hebei)Components of Free Trade Pilot Zones。Baoding and Beijing were born together,The name Baoding comes from“Defend Dadu,To stabilize the world”。Having unique geographical advantages,It also has a rich and colorful history, culture, and delicious specialties。that,What are the specialties of Baoding?Jinjie Net's Baoding Specialty Store Editor has compiled the top ten specialties in Baoding,Including roasted donkey meat,Baoding Noodle Sauce,Baoding is not old in spring,Baoding Iron Ball,Shredded Tofu,Tangxian jujube,Mancheng Mopan Persimmon,Preserved eggs,Laishui Ma Walnut,Quyang Shaobing (Baked cake in griddle),Wangdu chili,Famous specialties of Baoding such as Quyang stone carvings

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  • Weifang specialties

    Weifang City,Formerly known as Weizhou、Weixian County,Prefectural level cities under the jurisdiction of Shandong Province,ⅡLarge city ,Located in the western part of the Shandong Peninsula,East and Qingdao City、Yantai City Connection,Adjacent to Zibo City to the west、Dongying City,Nanlian Linyi City、Rizhao City,Located on the north coast of Laizhou Bay in the Bohai Sea。Having unique geographical advantages,It also has a rich and colorful history, culture, and delicious specialties。that,What are the specialties of Weifang?Jinjie Weifang Specialty Store Editor has compiled the top ten specialties in Weifang,Including Weixian Carrots,Qingzhou dried persimmon,Qingzhou Honey Peach,Qingzhou Silver Melon,Zhucheng Green Tea,Changle Watermelon,Salted Crab with Sheep Mouth,Prawns,cherry,Weifang Kite,Barbel head,Famous specialties of Weifang, such as chicken, duck, and music,These local specialties in Weifang are very worth bringing home。

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  • Honda plans to 2025 At least annually launched 10 Electric motorcycle

    07month26day · 2024year

    source / ITHome 9 month 14 Daily news,The world's largest motorcycle manufacturer is moving towards electrification。Monday local time,Honda announces that it will 2025 Launched before the year“10 More or more”Electric motorcycle。 Honda shared a slideshow,Displayed it 11 The outline of an electric motorcycle,Except for the one at the bottom 4 paragraph,All other models look like light motorcycles。Honda stated that,Most of them will not be launched in North America,We will focus our main efforts on the Asian and European markets
  • BStation litigation dispute“Bilibili”Trademark rejected,Not meeting the standards for the recognition of well-known trademarks

    07month26day · 2024year

    9 month 14 Daily news,9 month 13 day,BShanghai Huandian Information Technology Co., Ltd., an affiliated company of the station, and the China National Intellectual Property Administration Information and Telecommunications Administration(information、telecommunication)Public release of administrative first instance judgment。 Document display,Shanghai Huandian Information Technology Co., Ltd. is suing a food company for its disputed trademark“Bilibili”Request for invalidation declaration,And submit relevant evidence materials to the China National Intellectual Property Administration。 The court holds that,The focal point of this case is,Does the application for registration of a disputed trademark constitute《Trademark Law》In the middle
  • Building a strong digital foundation for steel enterprises,UCloudYoukede assists Jianlong Heavy Industry in its digital transformation

    07month26day · 2024year

    Following last year's successful pilot of Ningxia Jianlong Private Cloud and good user feedback,recently,UCloudThe digital transformation cooperation between Youkede and Jianlong Group is further enhanced:Successfully signed the private cloud project for Jianlong Group headquarters。thus,The digital bases of Jianlong Group Headquarters Center Cloud and Steel Plant Branch Cloud will both be Yutian Private Cloud。meanwhile,Based on the multi regional and integrated control capabilities of Youtai Private Cloud,With the delivery and implementation of Jianlong Headquarters' private cloud project,Will be a two-level organization for building dragons(headquarters+14A branch factory)Group level、Cross regional、Construction of Distributed Private Cloud Platform,carry
  • The Hong Kong Stock Exchange plans to modify its rules,Lowering the threshold for large technology companies to go public

    07month26day · 2024year

    9 month 14 Daily news,According to Caixin News Agency,A spokesperson for the Hong Kong Stock Exchange stated that,The Hong Kong Stock Exchange is studying the addition of a new chapter in the listing rules,To meet the financing needs of large technology companies in the early stages of product commercialization for going public。Previously, there have been reports from foreign media,The Hong Kong Stock Exchange is considering reducing the number of hard tech companies IPO The revenue threshold。 The abbreviation of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange is HKEX,Also known as Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited,It's the deadline 2021 The only institution operating the Hong Kong stock market in the year。Its main functions are stock settlement and settlement settlement,yes
  • Samsung Display is expected to gain more high-end productsiPhone 14 OLEDPanel order

    07month26day · 2024year

    9month14Daily news,According to foreign media reports,Apple's panel supplier Samsung Display,Expected to gain more high-end productsiPhone 14RequiredLTPO OLEDOrders for panels。 According to reports from foreign media,Samsung is expected to gain more high-end productsiPhone 14ofOLEDPanel order,It's because the competitor's yield rate is not high,It has affected the supply volume。It is also based on this,Samsung Display expects them to receive more orders。 Foreign media also mentioned in their reports that,Samsung Display at the end of last month,It has already been directed towardsAPsystem、HB Sol
  • Foreign media:Apple will be the first to adopt TSMC next yearN3Echip technology

    07month26day · 2024year

    9month14Daily news,According to foreign media reports,According to informed sources,Apple plans to become the first to use TSMC's upgraded version next year3A company specializing in nano chip manufacturing technology,Will be used for someMacComputers andiPhonemodel。 According to insiders,Apple is currently developingA17The processor will use TSMC'sN3EChip manufacturing technology for large-scale production,Expected to be launched in the second half of next year。They also stated that,A17Will be used for setting2023Published annuallyiPhoneHigh end models of the series。 it is reported,TSMC'sN3Etechnology
  • Google andMetaPunished for unauthorized collection of personal data100Billion Korean Won

    07month26day · 2024year

    9month14Daily news,According to foreign media reports,On Wednesday, the Korean Personal Information Protection Commission(PIPC)It will affect Google andMetaTotal amount1000Billion Korean Won(7190Ten thousand US dollars)The fine,Accused of violating privacy laws。 The committee stated in a statement that,Collecting personal information without the user's consent,Collecting personal information without the user's consent,And used for online customized advertising and other behaviors that violate personal information protection laws,Decided to impose penalties on Google692Billion Korean Won(about3.47RMB 100 million)andMeta 308Billion Korean Won(about1.5
  • JD Logistics' intelligent express delivery vehicle has passed the industry standard test for functional unmanned vehicles

    07month26day · 2024year

    According to the New Beijing News,JD revealed,JD Logistics' fifth generation intelligent express delivery vehicle successfully passed inspection under the witness of the functional unmanned vehicle joint laboratory and testing center,JD Logistics has also become one of the first functional unmanned vehicle enterprises in China to pass the industry standard testing for functional unmanned vehicles。(Gelonghui)
  • The listing time of Yangcheng Lake hairy crabs has not been delayed,It is expected that there will be no production reduction this year

    07month26day · 2024year

    According to China News Network,Gu Min, Vice President of Suzhou Yangcheng Lake Hairy Crab Industry Association14Daily expression,The start date for catching hairy crabs in Yangcheng Lake this year has been tentatively set9month23Before and after,Consistent with previous years。Affected by the sustained high temperatures in the Yangtze River Delta region this summer,The average size of crabs in Yangcheng Lake this year is smaller than before,But the total output and quality will not decrease。(Gelonghui)  
  • Chinese refrigerators、air-conditioning、The proportion of global production of major household appliances such as washing machines exceeds50%

    07month26day · 2024year

    He Yaqiong, Director of the Consumer Goods Industry Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology14Introduce at the press conference on that day,2021Annual revenue of enterprises above designated size in China's home appliance industry1.7Trillion yuan、Total profit1219RMB100mn,Year on year growth respectively15.5%、4.5%;The entire industry achieves export surplus1000usd100mn,Year on year growth exceeds20%,The product sells well worldwide160Multiple countries and regions,Serve the world20More than 100 million household users,refrigerator、air-conditioning、The proportion of global production of major products such as washing machines exceeds50%。(Gelonghui) &n


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